Recording costs and income is crucial when beginning a small business. It is critical to understand where your funds are coming from and going. Setting up specific accounts will enable free-flowing income and revenue while controlling spending. An Atlanta accounting firm can help you with your needs. To get you started, you should have the following statements.
- Invoices Payable
This account is used to keep track of all the money you owe to outside vendors, including those that provide cleaning, sanitation, pest control, and laundry services. You can probably classify the majority of your operating costs as payables. This can help you ensure you do not pay for a vendor’s products multiple times, and your accountant can confirm you received the item or service you paid for by comparing them to your inventory and purchasing accounts. Check each invoice to make sure the itemized items or services, billing date, and payment date are accurate.
- Accounts to receive money
Accounts receivable manages the money that your customers or clients owe you. Your company’s sale of a good or service is recorded as an account receivable if payment is not received immediately. A company should register and include it in revenue, even when payment has not yet been received. This paints a precise picture of the amount of money your company is making. The drawback of receivable accounts is that they conceal the amount of money in your account.
- Pay
This is likely where most of your spending originates from, the one that, if adequately tracked, might have the greatest impact. Employees provide essential work for your company but do not work for anything. They demand prompt payment. Employee turnover and employment-related lawsuits are two consequences of a missed paycheck that can seriously harm your company. Payroll neglect can potentially have disastrous effects during tax season, putting your company in the sights of IRS auditors.
- Inventory
Goods enterprises must maintain comprehensive stock inventory records. Every day’s sales statistics should equal the quantities of products sold, and the number of items listed in your records should equal the hand-counted physical counts of your inventories.
- Buying
The purchasing account keeps track of any tangible assets a business requires to function, such as workplace supplies and equipment. In contrast, your payables keep track of the services you purchase from other businesses.
- Funds
Small firms most frequently employ cash-based accounting since it is the simplest way to document cash deposits, withdrawals, and payments. Expenses must be reported in cash-based accounting whenever the money has been received.