What coronavirus means for pensions and investments – Which? News

Pliant Therapeutics Inc. (PLRX) is a biopharmaceutical clinical company that focuses on discovering various medical therapies. The main focus of its biological production is on the diseases related to the lungs and liver. They also produce other drugs related to skin problems. The focus is majorly on the production of drugs related to the injury of the tissues and their healing. The company was established in 2015 in California. The company has its headquarters in South San Francisco. It is one of the primary industries in discovering various medicines and drugs in California. There has been great development and growth in the company not only in terms of revenue but also in terms of employment.

The Initial Public Offerings (IPO) raised by Pliant Therapeutics is around $144 million as of the last week of June 2020. The clinical company has revised its price range and got it to $16 per share from $14 per share. At the same time, the company offered out around 9 million shares. These shares are expected to be sold or traded on The Nasdaq Global Select Market. The sign for this company is represented as ‘PLRX’. The date of closure for these shares is expected to happen on the 5th of June, 2020. However, the closure will be done based on the conditions that are set to satisfy the customers.

In June 2020 the Pliant Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: PLRX at https://www.webull.com/quote/nasdaq-plrx ) had also sold around 6.2 lakh shares to its existing investor, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc. at $16 per share. However, these sales happened on some agreements or rules that were set for them to take place. The registration of these shares should not be done under the Securities Act of 1933. It should also be under a lockdown of 180 days. At the same time, another competitor to Pliant Therapeutics was Warner Music. The Warner Music trading at Nasdaq had its shares prices at $25 each and offered (IPO) of 77 million shares.

The other major competitors of Pliant Therapeutics are Galapagos, Kadmon, and Angion. The Galapagos is another major biopharmaceutical clinical company that was established in 1999. In a comparison of the revenue, the Galapagos Company generates around 879% as that of the Pliant Therapeutics. This was majorly due to the establishment time and the period of their production. In terms of the employment in Pliant Therapeutics, the Kadmon has around 52 more employees. However on the other hand the Angion has lower employment of 28 when compared to that of Plaint Therapeutics. You can do stock trading from the stock app with option trading. Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.
