Many people are constantly scouting for the best ways to look younger. Typically, a bigger percentage of them are bothered by skin discolorations, wrinkles, enlarged pore size, scars, and at times, scarring from acne. Luckily, with the advances in technology, there are a wide range of products and treatments that they can leverage to rejuvenate their skins. Two of the most popular treatment options today are microneedling and laser treatments.
So, which option should you opt for? Well, it depends on a number of factors but the most important thing is to understand the differences between the two treatments.
- How They work
Laser treatments use infrared light delivered through a carbon-dioxide-filled tube to create laser small or microthermal wounds in the targeted skin tissue. The light is then absorbed by the skin and in turn vaporizes the tissue, removing the damaged or aged skin cells from the outer layer of the treated area.
On the other hand, microneedling involves the use of tiny needles that are often applied to the affected area of the skin with gentle pressure or pulses, creating several microdermal wounds. The wounds send a signal to the skin to launch the healing process, boosting collagen production and ultimate healthy skin turnover.
- Selectivity
Laser treatments tend to target specific areas of the skin such as brown spots and broken red veins, without causing damage to the neighboring tissues. Put simply, it is very selective. Microneedling is not selective to a specific problem, but results into improvements in many tissues by promoting collagen regeneration.
- Recovery Time
Microneedling tends to have a relatively quick recovery time (approximately 2-3 days of a light sunburn appearance) and comes with fewer side effects. In fact, it is considered to be safe on all skin types.
When done by an experienced physician, recovery time for laser treatments can be quicker, more dramatic and can produce long-lasting results than microneedling. However, it comes with several potential side effects, including bruising and temporary darkening. It is also associated with longer downtime because of post-treatment redness and swelling. Lastly, laser treatments can flare up certain medical issues and that’s why it is highly advisable for physicians to check your medical history before diving in.
- Cost
Many people favor microneedling to laser treatments because it is less expensive. Although a bigger percentage of laser treatments have proven to be effective, laser equipment are very expensive and their costs are often passed on to the users.
On the flip side, microneedling involve the use of micro needles that are readily available and cheaper. Besides being budget-friendly, microneedling also releases growth factors (responsible for the regeneration of new, beautiful skin) while non-ablative treatments methods like laser do not.
Final Verdict
Both treatments can be used to treat certain types of cosmetic imperfections. However, there circumstances that one may be more appropriate than the other. For instance, if you tend to be more hands-on about your skin care, microneedling is the best bet because of fewer risks. On the other hand, if you are looking to address a specific problem like broken red blood vessels, opt for laser treatments.