What are branded slot machines?

Depending on which software provider for slot machine is embraced by the situs Judi slot online24jam; there are some which have branded games. The branded slot machines are games which are based on the IP – intellectual property think books, movies, celebrities, video games, the TV shows and much more.

Through licensing or partnership agreement, the slot developer come up with such machines. An example is IGT which has a licensing agreement with Sony to develop the slot games of the Wheel of Fortune, the royalties are paid by the IGT for the se of the likeness, the name, the logo and the whole concept.

The odds are that, if you happen to be a slot veteran, then you must have played or seen branded slots. Why not? It is impossible to walk through Las Vegas Casino without having to see branded slot machine such as:

  • Walking dead
  • The game of the thrones
  • Michael Jackson’s King of pop
  • Ellen’s Dance Party
  • The chocolate factory and Willy Wonka
  • The Lord of the Rings

Appeal of the branded and licensed slots

When you walk through any resort style casinos which circle throughout the globe, it can be quite overwhelming for the players to start narrowing their choices. A single floor might house hundreds of the slot games.

If you decide to stop in your tracks and take a look around, there are two things that might stand out amongst the flashing lights, bells and spinning Reels Sea.

  • Jackpot prizes which will be on display
  • Slot toppers which are customized with familiar brands and faces

The same situation could apply to the online as virtual walk might take some time depending on the online casino that you are playing in. You will be able to scroll through long lists many that will include the gold, fortune and wild words.

Online Gaming