Enhance Your HOA’s Curb Appeal Using These Tips To Attract Potential Homeowners!

If you live in an HOA, you must know how important curb appeal is for the HOA board. This is because neighborhoods with better curb appeal increase in value and tend to attract more buyers. While good-looking houses and lawns are desirable, it is certainly not easy to maintain them. 

Following a few key tips can help you maintain your curb appeal to attract potential homeowners. Meanwhile, if your board needs a hand in the management process, you can hire gilbert hoa management companies

Tips to enhance your HOA’s curb appeal

  1. Maintain cleanliness. 

The first step to creating a desirable community is making sure it is clean. Make sure the roads are clean with no fallen leaves or other clutter. Homeowners should tidy up their lawns and make sure they dispose of their garbage properly. Things that fall from the trash can produce foul smells and also ruin the curb appeal. You can also organize a neighborhood clean-up where residents can come together and engage in cleaning while socializing at the same time. 

  1. Decorate the front door. 

One simple way to make HOA houses look beautiful and appealing is by decorating their entrances. This method is less time-taking and more cost-effective. You can buy a doormat and place some flower pots near the entrance to give it a chic look. You can also repaint your door and get a new shiny knocker. 

  1. Power wash surfaces. 

Dirt and grime that accumulate over time can be stubborn. These usually do not completely go away by sweeping or washing with soapy water as the dirt is embedded in them. Using a power washer to wash the surfaces can make them look brand new in a few minutes. It makes a significant difference to your curb appeal. 

  1. Maintain the roof. 

People tend to overlook the importance of maintaining the roof when it comes to curb appeal. However, the truth is they play a significant role in the overall look of your house. Make sure you keep a regular check on the roof to check for repairs. This also goes for the roofs of the common areas, such as the gym, the clubhouse, etc. 

  1. Paint. 

One of the best ways to increase the curb appeal of your community is by applying a fresh coat of paint to every building in the community. It gives the entire HOA a new look, and applying a trending color can attract new buyers. If it has been a considerable amount of time and the paint is starting to peel off the walls, it is time for a repainting project. 

Enhancing curb appeal can be made easy using a little effort from the board and the homeowners. It will make you feel proud of living in a beautiful community and also increase your property value. Hire gilbert hoa management companies today. 
